Leave the sticky spots behind.

Sending a big shout-out to you if you’re:

  • A creative who spends a lot of time thinking, thinking, and then overthinking.

  • A super-successful high achiever who is also steamrolled by anxiety pretty often.

  • Sensitive and reactive to even the slightest bit of stress when it comes to family and friends.

  • Working hard to push through and ahead despite a trauma history you just can’t shake.

And so on, and so on.

So many of us just feel stuck. Stuck in our patterns. Stuck with habits we never consciously signed up for… Stuck with thoughts we don’t know when we started having.

Eventually, we just accept it as The Way Things Are.

But imagine you could change it…

Imagine you could just go on with your day after a sticky phone call. 

Sit down at your writing desk and actually feel focused.

You could clear up a miscommunication with a friend and then move on, trusting that everything is a-okay.

Imagine you could get rid of the mental blocks that so often cloud your decision-making and leave you really, really frustrated and insecure.

All of this is possible for you, friend. And Brainspotting makes it a heck of a lot easier.

Brainspotting Therapy San Jose, CA

Hmm… Okay, sure, but why haven’t I ever heard of Brainspotting?

Probably because it’s relatively new – at least in terms of mental healthcare! Brainspotting was developed by a psychologist named David Grand, who originally used it to help 9/11 first responders work through their trauma. 

It was successful, and it’s been gaining steam ever since.

In a nutshell, Brainspotting operates on the understanding that where you look can impact the way you feel. This is possible because the positioning of your eyes involves parts of the brain where feelings are stored. 

So if you can work with one, then voila! You can work with the other.


Is Brainspotting legit?

I know, I know – it sounds “quacky.” But much like its older sibling EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Brainspotting is very much a legitimate practice, and it works.

Here’s the thing: we’re not always aware of how our body stores the memories of the things we experience. And we can’t stop it – it happens completely without our knowledge or approval! 

So sometimes, even if we think we’ve come to terms with an experience we’ve had, our bodies are still hanging on to the negative feelings.

Over time, those negative feelings start to sneak their way into other experiences, other interactions we have, and other decisions we make. 
It can become a super-sticky spot that gums up the works in all kinds of ways.


We can address a wide variety of issues through Brainspotting therapy.

Brainspotting is great for rolling out the sticky spots we experience regularly.

We can use it to work through:

•Anxiety, sadness, anger – any big emotions you find yourself feeling often

•Shame or low self-esteem

•Repeat behaviors that you struggle to control, like bursts of irritability, procrastination, the dreaded analysis paralysis – even a tendency to withdraw from your loved ones when you’ve been hurt.

•Writer’s block (Yes, I can help with that!) or performance anxiety 

•Trauma or other painful memories

•Relationship-based issues – lots of fighting, loneliness, feeling unseen or misunderstood


Brainspotting therapy can help you feel free – able to act instead of react.

It’s a powerful way to fully process and release the negative emotions that get stored in the body when you have a charged experience. No more unhelpful thoughts, unhealthy coping mechanisms, or emotional pain involved.

Through Brainspotting, I can help you live a life you’re actually present for – one where your past isn’t defining your future. 


Brainspotting therapy sessions happen in my office in San Jose, California or via telehealth for California clients.